Disability and Entrepreneurial Success

In my last blog segment, “Disability and Entrepreneurship”, I covered the benefits and challenges for people with disabilities who decide to pursue entrepreneurship. In this segment I will share a short list of other entrepreneurs with disabilities who have faced those challenges and become respected in their fields.

  1. Tiffany Yu:Diversability®
  2. Collette Divitto:Collettey’s Cookies
  3. Matthew Shapiro: 6 Wheels Consulting, LLC
  4. Trish Robichaud: Changing Paces

Clicking on the bold underlined text in the list will take you to each of these entrepreneurs’ LinkedIn profiles where you can learn more about them and their businesses. While each of these individuals are vastly different from each other, they are similar in that, like this author, they openly live with disabilities and constantly face the challenges of living in a society that has had the idea that disability is something to be feared, fixed, and/or pitted ingrained into its fabric for centuries. Still, through belief in a better future for everyone, hard work on schedules that work for them and their goals, and the patronage and support of open minded individuals, they have not only survived but thrived!

 At the time of this blog segment,  another holiday season is getting underway in the U.S. with both Christmas and Hanukkah fast approaching. For many entrepreneurs this is a very busy time of year on both the professional and personal level. It can also come with a mixture of emotions. My next blog segment, “Disability, Entrepreneurship and the Holiday Season” will cover my experience with these factors.

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